Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Chocolate Facts – Why Dark Chocolate is Good For You

Chocolate is one of the product is consumed in the world. In fact, each day more than a billion people use the material ..and more than the average American eats 12 kilograms of chocolate per year. This raises the question: What could be good for you?

What nutritional value when it comes to chocolate and chocolate is good because the black?

It is true that chocolate is healthy for many functions. It is a complex food – depending on how it has done – it can be very rich in antioxidants.

Antioxidants to be significant, because the cause aging and the development of multiple chronic, degenerative diseases such as cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease can, at least in part, what is “oxidative stress”.

Oxidative stress causes the formation of free radicals damage cells in your body the time. It is a natural process, you can not escape. Your body has several systems to help eliminate free radicals, but not 100% effective, and ultimately lost the battle.

And help many of our eating habits and nutrition, to accelerate simple, the attack of free radicals in our body.

It is the chocolate – especially dark chocolate – is at home

Dark chocolate is high in antioxidants in general

There has long been known that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables excellent sources of antioxidants in the diet. Vitamins and minerals in food ..such as vitamin C, vitamin E, carotenoids, flavonoids, selenium, and ..important antioxidant in the body.

Well, now we know that chocolate also contains high antioxidant properties.

One of the most familiar means and value of certain foods antioxidant ORAC rating. ORAC Oxygen Radical Absorption of the whole.

Not surprisingly, fruits, vegetables and spices to some of the guests seeking high ORAC scale. In general, the higher score of food resources and physical and cooked not so good. Cooking process destroys most of the antioxidants and nutritional value of foods.

It is surprising that the raw cocoa is the major source of antioxidants. Of course, cocoa powder and cocoa is the main ingredient of chocolate. Unprocessed cocoa has a high ORAC value per 100 grams of acai berry the fruit of “excellent.

Not all chocolate is the same nutritional value

However, not all chocolate the same level of health. More processed and prepared, without the ownership of health is maintained. And be aware that chocolate can be found in the shops usually have a lot of experience in dealing with ..that resolution and bake ..Added sugar and unhealthy processed milk, fat, additives, waxes and preservatives.

In other words, although some chocolate can and can not do its nutritional value, to know the nutritional value of chocolate. And I’m not going to save and initiate the frenzy of chocolate.

In general, the more chocolate the highest concentration of cocoa to be healthier ..Although even if it is not necessarily true. Yes, you read the label, especially, is suspicious of the chocolate the number one ingredient is sugar .

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