Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Why Honey is Good For Your Skin

Be careful what you eat, check the list of ingredients on supermarket bags, and avoid foods containing genetically modified organisms (GMOs) elements. But the skin, what you eat?

Since skin care, you must be very careful in what you use to do like what you eat. People recognize that healthy eating is to know important for good health and, “You are what you eat.”

Your skin is good and perhaps even more important. It is the largest organ in the body, play an important role in protecting the organism. Can I put on the skin can be absorbed in it. Yes, you know what you eat, health care is a skin-care products to use and what ingredients they contain.

Honey is a natural component of skin care products. It is completely natural, which is free from harmful chemicals that can be used. Of course, some products using honey, and even add other harmful chemicals, you should be all the ingredients.

Honey is a humectant known, means that it acts as a natural mosituriser. Is hygroscopic, drawing moisture clean, wet, soft and smooth skin. Therefore, the leather used in many hand creams. Some other benefits of honey, the skin can be replaced if the product contains no chemicals be so ugly. Therefore, you should produce.

One reason for the premature aging is exposure to free radicals. Honey is a powerful natural antioxidant to fight free radicals in the skin that helps the whole. Its soothing properties, it feels good when it is used.

Many skin care at home is a honey ingredients. Its use to treat and beautify the skin is known documented for centuries. Can the famous Cleopatra. While it is not necessary that the part of the formula – works very well directly to the skin in its natural state.

In recent years an increasing number of studies have shown that honey contains a natural antiseptic and antibacterial properties, but the level varies considerably between the honey. Anyone with some anti-bacterial Manuka honey from New Zealand. Suitable for many (UMF noted) difficult to treat wounds, burns and infections of the skin. For other types of natural honey and raw materials are the best .

Robert has worked as a consultant to The New Zealand Honey Shop, UK based specialists in UMF® manuka honey, and honey based skincare. He has also worked alongside Pierre Cousin, author of Natural Recipes For Perfect Skin, learning tips from him.

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Can Garlic Help to Reduce The Risk of Heart Attack?

There are many scientific studies on herbs and garlic have been, and strong heart. These studies have also shown that cultures that eat lots of garlic, there are far fewer heart attacks.

Criticism of garlic compounds

Sulfur ingredients are the key to most of the benefits of garlic. These compounds include S-allyl cysteine, water soluble, stable and biologically. Small amounts of garlic can be found here, but large quantities can be found at the age of garlic. In fact, most studies on its medicinal properties, concentrated że from the heart of the old-extract, because it is stable, which have different effects on the health and rich in antioxidants is.

Garlic Heart disease Herbal

Garlic can help refer people with high cholesterol, LDL cholesterol (LDL-C, which is also known as “bad” cholesterol) and raise HDL-Cholesterol (HDL and “good” cholesterol). This is due to secondary plant compounds found in garlic, which have the same way as drugs to lower cholesterol, one-act plays. Unlike these drugs, cardiovascular disease, cardiac side effects. Yes, it’s heart a much safer option is to use.

Studies have shown that the heart actually pick lowers cholesterol by 10%. However, you should be about 24 cloves of garlic per day to eat in order to achieve the desired effect. They prevent the consumption of garlic, if you have many other advantages. For example, grass, can improve heart disease to LDL / HDL, reduce an important factor in the risk of cardiovascular disease. Garlic also acts as an antioxidant that also helps prevent heart disease prevent the oxidation of cholesterol and ensures a healthy arteries.

There are no studies showing that garlic works better than aspirin as an anticoagulant. Naturally, doctors recommend the anticoagulant effect of aspirin to prevent heart attack. However, garlic is an excellent alternative to a heart that is so powerful and dangerous side effects. Therefore, everyone should consider the use of aspirin increased the heart. This will not only herbal extract protects the heart, that you are looking for, but there are also many health benefits, this herb has been collected, including the health of the heart.

In the heart of garlic

Capacity of the plant in the cardiac protection against cardiovascular disease is primarily due to the antioxidants that may lower blood fat levels, and also influenced by anticoagulants. What is more, was the survey in April 2003, the University of California, Los Angeles, according to one can of garlic extract in a year (also known as Kyolic garlic were performed) to reduce the patient’s heart from a heart attack by 50%. This is due to the age of garlic extract on the deposition of plaque in arteries can employees in more than 50% reduction in LDL and triglycerides and increase HDL reduced. He could also reduce the blood levels of homocysteine for cardiovascular disease. Itself, doctors now know that heart patients with statins, the risk of heart attack can do more by reducing to the heart of this herbal nutrition.

Research on the effects of garlic in cholesterol

This deals with high cholesterol should be aware that this herb is a heart can reduce cholesterol levels by 20%. For this reason, garlic is indeed a medicine has been approved in Germany, for the people who are resistant to and inhibits the arteries to help. Heart of natural medicine, the best works in conjunction with a diet low in fat, though.


This herb has a good heart and cholesterol levels in people with heart disease, especially if he aged garlic. For this reason, plant diseases at the same time part of the diet one of, if you need further protects against cardiovascular disease. Certainly contribute to the risk of heart attack, which is especially important when the heart is severely impaired .

Reduce Cholesterol

Cholesterol is a deadly poison, but the average particle size is in fact part of the body. Cholesterol is a precursor of the important hormones such as estradiol, sex hormone for women and men of the sex hormones testosterone and vitamin D, you should calcium and bone shape. Cholesterol carried in the blood called lipoproteins. In fact, cholesterol is to tissues as part of the inflammatory response transported, what is there to repair the damage.

Cholesterol is not part of the problem a part of the solution – another problem. Cholesterol is actually saving people’s lives because Cholesterol is an association, a waterproof patch that the body was developed. Cholesterol is actually a temporary blessing, which the body has time to return to their problems. People under 50 years, high cholesterol may be a sign of a problem, but if remember one’s role as an antioxidant substance and body to correct them, you, whether to ask this level trying to get the injury factors, such as the body and the arterial wall to protect.

If you have too much cholesterol in the blood, many things can collect in the walls of blood vessels, what is Pipes’ smaller. Avoid foods high in cholesterol, saturated fats and trans fats that increase cholesterol levels and risk of development of heart disease. Before Start nibbling chips or cheeseburgers as fat, should consider you more if you have too much cholesterol. Get In fact, the body produces cholesterol as much, if you do not bake at second cheese have touched, it would be better. Although most adolescents is not cholesterol-lowering drugs, but it is important to keep cholesterol in check.

Natural antioxidants in oat bran can be removed significantly lower blood cholesterol levels, blood cell adhesion molecules, which reported on the walls of arteries stick, researchers. However, consuming large amounts of “nude”, stripped of vegetable oils in the cell membranes more saturated and less protected by antioxidants. Eating a variety of foods every day is rich in antioxidants, the best strategy is the active disease, to use antioxidants.

High cholesterol is not dangerous, but may reflect the general health status, or they may be entirely innocent. It is important, although many cardiologists that lowering cholesterol is correlated with the risk of a heart attack can reduce say some people say that there is less risk of death (death). However, the percentage of plasma cholesterol and stroke risk factor for heart .

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

How Chocolate Benefits Your Health

Chocolate is an eternal gift, almost as often as soap and spinners. Variable quality of corn syrup, fructose tube Brown goo candy and Tootsie Rolls in the $ 2,000 mark an exclusive packaging Beverly Hills cocoa fields manually. Most of us want something in between. My wife always goes to the change in Belgium and the bitter taste of raw chocolate. My favorite is unclear, 85%.

While the myth of the keys makes chocolate (sugar, cocoa!) Chocolate has many health benefits. You can lower your blood pressure, reduce the formation of blood clots and even cancer prevention. It is rich in phenolic phytochemicals, or simply, antioxidants. Cocoa is an antioxidant flavonoids in green tea or red wine.

Chocolate, but not all are equal.

Not only the taste, separates the Nestle Crunch Bar Scharff Berger dark chocolate. If you try is always the health benefits of chocolate in the dark. In fact, most of the cocoa, the better. 50% cocoa is really a good starting point, but I want to move to 70% if they are able to manage their lives. Health Services of the chocolate milk is so low because such a small part of what chocolate to eat first. In most cases, milk chocolate contains high levels of sugar and dry, which has obscured the true antioxidant cocoa.

So I decided to go dark chocolate tones. Now that you have treated to remove organic brands. Heavy processing can reduce significantly the antioxidant flavonoids in chocolate and healthy. Dutch processed chocolate is to blame, not the least healthy chocolate. Yes, go for organic products. Or better yet, find a “single source” batch of chocolate. Manufacturers of chocolate is the source of their higher than wine bars, so many bars are collected at a particular time in the region. To safeguard the authenticity of the signs of healthy chocolate go very low reading. Experts gather and evaluate information from a single origin chocolate bars chocolates Do This offer some of the highest phytochemal of phenol and some of the best health benefits of chocolate .

Finally, one good way to receive the health benefits of chocolate is to drink a cup of hot cocoa. No, not Swiss Miss or Nestle Quick (is that even chocolate at all?). Make your own cocoa the simple way, use warm milk and cocoa powder. You can also use melted baking squares for thicker consistency. Now you’re getting all the antioxidants from the cocoa without all the unnecessary sugar. And if you absolutely need the extra sweetness, you can use a little Splenda without losing the great chocolate health benefits. The goal is to maximize your health while satisfying your sweet tooth.

To recap, stick to the dark chocolate, buy organic, and try making your own hot cocoa.

Bees Provide More Than Honey

Although the bees in the pollination and honey rated production that offers many important questions honey. The main advantage, in fact, perhaps to the production of compounds to combat the disease is called propolis.

Propolis is a sticky substance bees collect the buds and bark. This sticky substance that builds nests. But it is not the only task of propolis. Bees in a substance containing disinfectants in their homes. A strong antiseptic properties that a sterile environment in which the queen can lay eggs can cause. It is also used as a preservative in embalming intruders resistant.

Perhaps not surprisingly, recent studies suggest that propolis combination of amino acids, vitamins and minerals in a natural way to strengthen the human immune system. This material is now available in tablets and capsules, or in any other case, the cream or spray.

Science confirms the wisdom of

Bee is to create a conventional wisdom. Honey as a “panacea for all the physiological symptoms of infections known, of the common cold. It is amazing that science now confirms what experts have long Holistic Propolis is known, in fact, it is impressive medicinal properties.

The key to its healing properties, according to researchers, as part of the CAPE (fenyloetylu Ester much is known), the main active ingredient in propolis. It was noted that the hosts CAPE antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties of medicinal honey.

Studies have shown that the benefits of propolis in the treatment of various diseases such as bronchitis, headaches, burns, skin rashes, eczema and cancer.

Studies of cancer will benefit from propolis

Benefits of propolis can have a dramatic effect on certain types of cancer. Several studies have shown that propolis one day be a factor in the success of treatment.

Neurofibromatosis is due to an error of IFN and NF2 genes. Studies have shown that PAK1 gene causes the growth of tumors in NF1 and NF2. But researchers have yet to develop any effective drugs against PAK1.

When the researchers a mixture of water provided and of propolis extract, which are implanted into mice, tumors of NF1 and NF2 was Proplant posted a surprising discovery to the development of NF1 and NF2 stop an almost complete remission.

Although these initial results are encouraging, there is still much research to do. Researchers in the German study, for example, cancer research, the long-term effects of propolis, which reduce need for effective treatment. None of these observations in humans due to the low absorption CAPE physiological human body investigated. But scientists hope that the current version of CAPE completely absorbable for cancer in the near future.

Anyway, this and other studies have shown anti-carcinogenic Proplant logically lead to tensions in the medical community.

Research hyperthermia

Cancer, but not the only condition is that propolis is an effective treatment. Its antioxidant properties are promising for the therapy and hyperthermia. A recent study by researchers at the University of Chinese Culture in Taiwan, studies on the effects that propolis common malignant athletes, fever or heat stress.

Hyperthermia has shown that the predecessor of dehydration and exhaustion, many of the athletes experienced. Since fever is the result of free radicals, produced by researchers at the department, whether the alleged antioxidant properties of propolis could be repaired.

To do this, researchers from the blood of 30 cyclists who participated in the development of resistance to 2-4 years before the survey. After examination of the blood, researchers found that propolis in fact the correct cells, which otherwise died of hyperthermia-induced death.

These studies confirm the benefits of propolis legend long said that the Environmental Protection Agency is really a panacea for many conditions that traditional medicine was not effective comprehensive support to .

Garlic and Its Benefits

Garlic and its benefits

Growing up in a typical Chinese family grew up, the smell of garlic in every meal always necessary. And that eating garlic, so often, it’s pretty well known, good food and I put my body all these years. Garlic is not only delicious, they should be very good facilities.

Garlic smell was called Rose. Garlic is a cousin of onions, leeks, chives and onions. Bulbs or heads of garlic, consists of small teeth. This is a root, bulb grows underground.

Garlic harvest is gathered and hung in mid-July, at its peak in storage prior late-July/early-August dry. But as the needs of businesses, garlic and dried fruits is available year round in most markets.

More than 300 varieties of garlic in the developed countries. It is as 6000 years used. It is native cultures of Central Asia as well as chemicals used in the Mediterranean region. The time is now increasingly spice in Asia, Africa and Europe used. The Egyptians used garlic, religious leaders and models of garlic to the Tutankhamun tomb. As a kind of currency. Beliefs and garlic to prevent Vampire (our favorite Dracula) and was honored as sexual.

You can save the garlic shirt open container in a cool, dry place, separate from other foods. Do not refrigerate peeled garlic. Peeled garlic cloves in an airtight container in the fridge are kept. It is important that garlic oil is stored in the refrigerator to prevent bacterial growth deadly. Garlic powder, but must be in a cool, dry and dark place to be stored.

The smallest chop the garlic, it is even more acute. Chop and / or press the clove makes more surfaces without any chemical reaction in a strong odor. Pungent odor of sulfur-containing enzyme. These particles are absorbed by sulfur in the blood and lungs, and the leak respiration and sweat. Sun garlic breath.

All the cooked garlic cloves are very soft with a nut flavor.

Studies have shown that garlic inhibits tumor growth and is a potent antioxidant good heart. In the Middle Ages, garlic was used monks pests.
Hippocrates garlic vapors to treat cervical cancer, garlic and pieces have been replaced on wounds during World War II, as a cheap and effective, antibiotics, which was restricted during the war laid.

Other studies have also shown that garlic may LDL or “bad reduction” cholesterol and a good agent, an anticoagulant to blood clots that can lead to heart attack or stroke to prevent.

In 2003, researchers reported that garlic may provide cancer treatment.

Scientists say that “in garlic for the production of antioxidant chemicals, which gives the flavor that can be used in” smart “bombs to fight cancer is unknown.” Chemical, allicin, garlic. Israeli scientists reconstructed the chemical reaction between allicin garlic is a cancerous tumor. It penetrates and destroys the cancer cells but not harm the healthy cells nearby. Scientists at the Weizmann Institute Rehovet the same technique successfully prevented the development of gastric cancer in mice.

Already in 2002, say U.S. researchers found that garlic may help prevent prostate cancer in men. It was found that people who ate the plant 50% lower risk of prostate cancer than those who ate less. Two hundred and thirty-eight suffering from prostate cancer and 471 men were asked what they ate. It was found that men who had more than one third ounce (10 grams) per day, onion, garlic, chives or scallions were much less likely that the cancer group consumed.

Even people who add garlic every day, are much less likely to colds than those who do not suffer. It is not surprising that garlic traditionally used for the prevention and treatment of colds.

But a word of warning. Some health experts have warned that, a high concentration of sulfur in garlic cause colitis and dermatitis by destroying the natural flora in the gut. They say that high doses of garlic may also prevent blood clotting and affect the correct functioning of the thyroid. (I guess too high doses of everything that is bad for our health!)

Well, it is not too great, and what you eat?

According to the doctors – half a tooth – is to argue that people should eat daily to their cancer properties. He served in the first has the greatest impact, they said. After the heat treatment is about four and a half pounds.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Good and Bad Cholesterol

Studies have shown that can cause an excessive cholesterol in the blood in severe damage to the cardiovascular system leading to various heart diseases and even death. All cells are cholesterol, but has limited means to produce them. For cholesterol, has developed a system where the liver that cholesterol and triglycerides, lipoprotein and assembly. There are three lipoproteins in the blood very low density lipoprotein (VLDL), low density lipoprotein (LDL) and HDL (HDL) Two of them are in the liver (VLDL and HDL) cholesterol, LDL and VLDL produced increases in blood under certain circumstances . VLDL triglyceride transport to tissues and cells and for the disposal, used for energy or stored fat.VLDL more cholesterol, which is used in the production of hormones isolation of neural strengthening of cell walls, to name a few.

When the body produces too much cholesterol or bad food to eat, the more cholesterol your body needs, and finally begins to settle on artery walls. Cholesterol in the arterial wall is easy because the lines of the inner membrane surface of the individual arterial fat. trigger cell walls of the disposal of chemical waste, the oxidation of LDL can trap. Action of substances, namely antioxidants to protect LDL and keep them rot. When antioxidants in LDL, or the same area, where can prevent the prisoner LDL, are made.

Vitamin E, fat-soluble antioxidants is an effective way to prevent oxidation. There are many other antioxidants, as well. Iron, however, stimulates the oxidation of LDL. ” Subsequently, oxidation of LDL, which attracts other cells in place of use in the arterial wall. eat these cells, LDL and breaks rancid “foam cells” are full of foam cells and cholesterol eventually explode when they die. In this process, several factors for the growth of smooth muscle cells in the arterial wall, which means that the muscle shedding. For several years, all these contribute cells to the progression of atherosclerosis.

It is easy to understand why LDL cholesterol is as bad. It is responsible for the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in the arterial wall. This can lead to atherosclerosis and other serious diseases. What is the “good cholesterol”? HDL-cholesterol leads to the liver. HDL is produced primarily in the liver and intestine, and a little fat. And “more soluble and easily transported in lipoproteins.

HDL is called “good cholesterol”, and not without reason. VLDL, HDL may, before the hepatic LDL are switched on. HDL can also prevent the oxidation of LDL cholesterol and prevents rancidity.

You must reduce the intake of fat and calories in order to minimize the amount of LDL-cholesterol in the blood. However, they must try to raise HDL, regardless of their cholesterol levels. Weight loss can increase the levels of triglycerides and HDL-cholesterol. Smoking has many advantages, such as the reduction of LDL oxidation. As mentioned above, vitamin E prevents oxidation of LDL. Exercise can increase HDL cholesterol and lower total cost.

When the battle stopped the development of atherosclerosis, it is usually better. Nobody has a magic solution. natural treatments do not produce the greatest improvement in conjunction with a healthy diet and physical activity used.

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