Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Antioxidants and Chocolate

We have always said to encourage that the antioxidant benefits of dark chocolate that makes people on the consumption of sweet pleasure, but they are antioxidants, in particular? What are antioxidants in humans and therefore it is so useful?

We begin the analysis of what antioxidants. “Anti”-definition, means and disadvantages, and oxidants oxidation means something, in this case the cell. Thus, the definition of nutrients and antioxidants to slow or stop the oxidation enzymes of the tissue. If every cell in our body depends on anti-oxidants is to protect the damage of free radicals, but if the damage caused by free radicals exceeds the available antioxidants, the cells that have a negative impact.

Our cell damage occurs when molecules of free radicals – a result of corrupt, too many or too few electrons enter the electron electrons are necessary or important to their balance. Once this process of exchange of electrons is damage in the cells. Oxidative stress caused by free radicals describes the cause of many diseases such as cancer and heart disease to destroy. Accumulation of free radicals also cause a process called “aging” of the elderly.

These antioxidants in chocolate? Yes antioxidants can be found in many substances, including vitamin E, vitamin C, beta carotene and selenium. Owe antioxidants that occur naturally in plants and flavonoids, which is naturally in fruits and vegetables. It is dark chocolate flavonoids give antioxidants.

Chocolate as a whole is known to contain flavonoids, but we believe that the more milk chocolate milk for the value of flavonoid antioxidants and dark chocolate that contains more antioxidant properties. However, cocoa is characterized by many service providers for the implementation of effective anti-oxidants, high-quality dark chocolate black, and a good dose of flavonoids. Other good sources of flavonoids are the following: asparagus, red, green peas, Brussels sprouts, cranberries, onions, garlic and soy sauce .

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