Monday, April 9, 2018

Antioxidants, pH and Alkalinity – What Are They and What Are Their Health Benefits?

Antioxidants, alkalinity and pH conditions, more and more benefits are used for health. But many people confuse these terms, let alone how they relate to health.

First, allow me a simple description of each of these words: antioxidants and pH. So I’ll summarize what it means to health and what you can do to fight sickness and disease. And finally, to provide free e-book, which gives a better picture of these concepts and their importance for health and simpler way to achieve optimal health through the right kind of water and eating such foods.

Antioxidants are molecules that environmental factors such as pollution, protect sunlight, and toxins in food and water. Antioxidants are substances such as vitamins, beta carotene, C and E, selenium and slow the aging process and gives you the tools you need to deal with already damaged cells. “Produce antioxidants” is the opposite of “oxidants. Oxidants unstable molecules called free radicals that damage cells and DNA, which in turn leads to disease and premature aging. Oxidation and corrosion of pipes or what happens when you cut an apple and let him fight rust, brown, apple, it begins to rot. oxidation leads to disease! Because the “antioxidant” may be better than you! more antioxidants and alkalinity, and the key to life without the disease.

PH stands for “potential hydrogen” and measure the value of the pH scale from 0.0 to 14.0, a neutral 7.0. Any number of 7.0 is acidic and numbers above 7.0 is alkaline. Phil is simply to measure the acidity or alkalinity of substances. People for swimming pools, aquariums, ponds, and soil pH tested. It is necessary to test the body fluids. If importance on the importance of fish and land for you. Ultimately, life is 70% water. Most people take better care of your body to a fish.

Alkalinity is the opposite of acidic. PH is above 7.0 (neutral). Acids, it has the ability to absorb and neutralize. to neutralize higher pH substrates, the buffer or the acid strength. The most important thing is to know that the alkalinity neutralizes acids and lead to better health. Start the alkaline alkalinity eating food, to realize, especially in alkaline water. Alkaline foods are usually too high in antioxidants.

All foods, where to eat acid is the body. Environmental pollution, pesticides and other harmful substances in food is too acidic metabolism. Acid creates an atmosphere that promotes diseases and illnesses can develop. Acid, which breeds disease, and, worst of all, it is almost impossible to get rid of it. pH test strips can be found, or pharmacist. The analysis of the alkalinity of the urine and saliva, which is acidic. PH of your body pH from 6.5 to 7.0 during the day. Drinking water and foods with high alkalinity and antioxidants .

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