Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Diabetes – Oxidative Stress and Metabolic Memory Control

Several years showed that diabetic patients suffer from more than free radicals and oxidative stress. New scientific findings indicate that oxidative stress damages the blood vessels, so characteristic of diabetes. The main result of vascular disease in diabetes. High blood pressure, circulatory problems, kidney disease, nerve damage, damage to blood vessels, especially in diabetics, both large and small.

Studies have shown that vascular damage caused by free radical activity of endothelial cells (or mountain) blood vessels.

While this is a thick layer of endothelial cells is an important part of the blood vessels. It has many vital functions, except that the control of expansion and contraction of blood vessels, but also regulates the release of various hormones and the formation of blood clots in the arteries. endothelial dysfunction leads to atherosclerosis and the blood vessels to reduce the increased risk of irreversible damage to heart attack, stroke, peripheral arterial occlusive disease, renal failure and other problems.

Hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) is the reason too many free radicals, and until recently it was thought that blood glucose is controlled by the negative effects of oxidative stress can be to be arrested. But it was not, and described a mechanism called “metabolic memory” that explains this phenomenon. It seems that the times when the person is not under control blood sugar, glycosylated proteins (with glucose molecules combined). These glycated proteins as the brain, the stress signals further. This tension continues the overproduction of free radicals report, even after treatment to normalize blood sugar levels. I suspect that dietary antioxidants prevent free radicals release continuously maintain a morbid state of oxidative stress.

Recent clinical studies have shown that diabetics who took insulin-dependent antioxidants, oxidative stress and insulin than those who are less insulin without antioxidants.
These and other studies also interesting information about the type of antioxidants in the treatment of oxidative stress in diabetic patients. Vitamin E (a powerful antioxidant) said that does not fit all in this context, and vitamin C, but effectively, not the full control of oxidative stress – though cause diabetes whose blood sugar is well controlled, or other conditions that oxidative stress can.

This finding should not be too surprised if we see that there are a number of free radicals and antioxidants, which neutralize the person access to all parts of the cell and free radicals for all species.

The research tells us two important things. First of all, that diabetics should ensure that they are very aggressive and blood sugar at any time. In addition, the majority of people with diabetes, a disease is diagnosed began long. This means that oxidative stress is probably months or years before the treatment and the injury “metabolic memory” is rooted in cellular proteins. Although diabetes after treatment and then promote an effective blood sugar, metabolic memory remains on the release of free radicals and oxidative stress damage to nature conservation.

Accumulated studies have shown that today should not only for diabetics a sufficient number and variety of antioxidants, diabetes, but not to do the same. In addition, regular audits to make sure that you have diabetes or not, you can protect against damage to arterial rich a diet of foods that are rich in antioxidants. If, however, the risk of developing diabetes and other diseases associated with oxidative stress, also is an antioxidant supplement.

Pleasure is the highest antioxidant activity of all food groups (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2006) and antioxidants in addition to spices than 100 anti-oxidant compounds .

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