Free radicals damage the cell membranes. Organ or organ system has billions of cells, each cell is connected to other cells in the proper functioning of the institutions. Although the man is a system of organs is the brain, eyes, liver, pancreas, heart, etc., the cell membranes are also involved in the import of nutrients into the cells and other waste exports. Free radicals and the nucleic acids DNA and mitochondrial damage to cells.
Mitochondria are cellular powerhouse. At this point, should in the energy metabolism, provides energy to cells and tissues to function properly positioned. Deficit of energy metabolism result in more fatigue and pain and cause the deterioration of the facilities activities.
The process of damage by free radicals and reduces the production of energy is a vicious circle. Damaged mitochondria produce less energy and stress. Authors body load the main cause for the production of free radicals. This endless cycle of stress and free radical damage to mitochondria forever.
Up to 30 years old, this subtle attack by free radicals, a small external influences. 30 years (and lower for women), high-speed nature of the damage began to bite, and energy production is less than the necessary level of health.
Studies have shown that many people are shorter than normal and oxidative stress. and brain tissue of Alzheimer’s disease, for example, that the high mitochondrial DNA damage. Blood samples for the sufferings of a heart rate of the same type of damage. Free radical damage is still evident .i
Mitochondria are cellular powerhouse. At this point, should in the energy metabolism, provides energy to cells and tissues to function properly positioned. Deficit of energy metabolism result in more fatigue and pain and cause the deterioration of the facilities activities.
The process of damage by free radicals and reduces the production of energy is a vicious circle. Damaged mitochondria produce less energy and stress. Authors body load the main cause for the production of free radicals. This endless cycle of stress and free radical damage to mitochondria forever.
Up to 30 years old, this subtle attack by free radicals, a small external influences. 30 years (and lower for women), high-speed nature of the damage began to bite, and energy production is less than the necessary level of health.
Studies have shown that many people are shorter than normal and oxidative stress. and brain tissue of Alzheimer’s disease, for example, that the high mitochondrial DNA damage. Blood samples for the sufferings of a heart rate of the same type of damage. Free radical damage is still evident .i
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