Thursday, March 29, 2018

The Human Cell

The human body, on average, is made up of between seventy trillions to one hundred trillions (70,000,000,000,000+) of cells. They belong to something over 200 different cell types, each performing quite different tasks inside our body. In terms of size, each one of these cells is no bigger than the dot following this sentence. Do these facts amaze you? They did to me.

The picture shown here is a cross-sectional view of a human cell. As we can see, there are so many different component parts inside. It is very much like a small universe in itself.

As we know, life starts with a cell. This cell divides, and divides. And, nine months later, a baby is born. This process of metabolism continues, with new cells formed and old ones being replaced. And, the body regenerates itself.

Through this process of regeneration, something really  interesting happen.  Do you know the entire surface of the small intestine is replaced every five days? The skeleton is renewed every two years? And, we completely change our skin approximately every 27 days?

Quite frankly, I was totally blown away when I first came across the idea of our skeleton renewing itself every two years. As we come to know, every part of our body is a living being. The bone and the teeth are no exception.

Human cell is a fascinating subject. I hope this brief information might arouse at least a bit of your interest to look further in this direction.

As we understand, talking health without getting to know how our cell works can be dangerous. We can easily miss the boat. Indeed, the more we learn about our body, we see the importance of “holistic” and “synergy”. These of course we can cover another time.

PS. A quiz -- the picture shown here is taken from a book by a very well-respected author. If you know the book we are referring to, please write back because we have reserved a gift for the first correct answer that reaches us. Have fun.

PPS we apology for the long absence since the last posting. That was because of some bugs in the system. Now the matter is behind us and we look forward to more regular postings in the future. Our thanks to you all for your support and patience, and particularly to the ones rendering their comments. We hope we all grow in this search for truth and health.

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