Thursday, March 29, 2018

Despite Having Antioxidants, Chocolates Are Not Among the Best Fat Burning Foods

Dark chocolate is in vogue these days, because the media have exaggerated their antioxidant properties, and did all kinds of chocolate-vending machines in the car. In reality, however, the chocolate is sweet, and if you want to burn fat, help him, you have to look elsewhere to find the best food for burning fat.

The truth of antioxidants

Antioxidants are substances that prevent oxidation, a process that produces electricity charged atoms called free radicals. They are harmful to cells and tissues in relation to smoking, sunbathing and other practices known to cause tissue damage.

In addition to reducing cell damage by free radicals, antioxidants thought to prevent heart disease, stroke and cancer. Of course there are health benefits associated, but some countries may be misleading.

He said that people who eat lots of fruits and vegetables, such as the Mediterranean diet is less heart disease. a diet high in antioxidants, supports the theory that antioxidants are the power. This theory has, the development of additives that were tested resulted, but in many cases the results were less convincing.

Dark chocolate is gaining popularity in the reports of antioxidants

A German study has been published since 2003, says the results show that regular consumption of moderate amounts of dark chocolate lowers blood pressure. (The study also shows that milk chocolate, white chocolate or milk in the same benefits.)

Researchers also said that the party should be considered in order to obtain the benefits of antioxidants, can eat small quantities. In addition, you can buy it somewhere else calorie diet.

We do not advocate calorie counting is the idea that you should not add sugar to the food intake of our efforts to improve their health to treat. Does not work. In addition chocolate from a healthy diet is separated. Eating a small amount from time to time, not to sabotage their health or their weight loss goals.

Chocolate is not the only source of antioxidants

In recent years the existence of dark chocolate shops has increased. It also promotes the bar very high concentration of cocoa powder are also chocolates as “dark chocolate”. Magazines continued support by promoting the madness “chocolate heart healthy recipes.

Some supplements on the market provides anti-oxidants, but the research has effective way to get antioxidants in the diet proved. There is evidence that supplementation may be dangerous under certain circumstances, such as surveys show the growth of lung cancer.

Many fruits and vegetables are good sources, especially berries. Has not received much attention, but the nuts, seeds, beans and brown rice and antioxidants. Stick to the nature and antioxidants, easy and secure.

Be Heart Healthy With Flavonoids

Do you know of flavonoids and how they benefit the health of the heart? Flavonoids are a type of antioxidants in fruits, vegetables and certain beverages. Flavonoids are a hot topic because it reports on the anti-virus, anti-allergy, platelets (blood clotting), inflammation, cancer (cancer) and health benefits of antioxidants. Many of the positive effects of wine, fruit, vegetables, tea and red with errors in flavonoids, as the nutrients and vitamins associated known.

New research shows that increases outside of your wine consumption and omega-3 content in plasma. Studies have shown that a glass of wine, women and two drinks per day for men increased use of fatty acids, omega-3 fish. It has been suggested that alcohol is responsible for the increase in omega-3 fatty acids, but other parts of the wine (eg polyphenol antioxidants). What’s more omega-3 fatty acids was not observed when the beer or other alcoholic beverages have been used for fish.

Antioxidants protect cells from damage cause by free radicals, oxidative stress and cell damage. Oxidative stress, cancer, aging, atherosclerosis, ischemia, inflammation and neurodegenerative diseases. For example, the oxidation of LDL plays a key role in the development of heart disease.

Here are some sources of flavonoids:

High concentration of flavonoids (> 50 mg/100 g food)

Onions, cabbage, green beans, broccoli, chicory, celery, cranberries, orange juice

Middle the content of flavonoids (1-5 mg/100 g food)

Lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, strawberries, peas, apples, grapes, red wine, tea, tomato juice

The Human Cell

The human body, on average, is made up of between seventy trillions to one hundred trillions (70,000,000,000,000+) of cells. They belong to something over 200 different cell types, each performing quite different tasks inside our body. In terms of size, each one of these cells is no bigger than the dot following this sentence. Do these facts amaze you? They did to me.

The picture shown here is a cross-sectional view of a human cell. As we can see, there are so many different component parts inside. It is very much like a small universe in itself.

As we know, life starts with a cell. This cell divides, and divides. And, nine months later, a baby is born. This process of metabolism continues, with new cells formed and old ones being replaced. And, the body regenerates itself.

Through this process of regeneration, something really  interesting happen.  Do you know the entire surface of the small intestine is replaced every five days? The skeleton is renewed every two years? And, we completely change our skin approximately every 27 days?

Quite frankly, I was totally blown away when I first came across the idea of our skeleton renewing itself every two years. As we come to know, every part of our body is a living being. The bone and the teeth are no exception.

Human cell is a fascinating subject. I hope this brief information might arouse at least a bit of your interest to look further in this direction.

As we understand, talking health without getting to know how our cell works can be dangerous. We can easily miss the boat. Indeed, the more we learn about our body, we see the importance of “holistic” and “synergy”. These of course we can cover another time.

PS. A quiz -- the picture shown here is taken from a book by a very well-respected author. If you know the book we are referring to, please write back because we have reserved a gift for the first correct answer that reaches us. Have fun.

PPS we apology for the long absence since the last posting. That was because of some bugs in the system. Now the matter is behind us and we look forward to more regular postings in the future. Our thanks to you all for your support and patience, and particularly to the ones rendering their comments. We hope we all grow in this search for truth and health.

Heart Disease and Dietary Supplements – Discover the Best Nutrients to Enhance Heart Health

Many people know more about heart disease and dietary supplements, learn preventive strategies against heart disease. But before access to some of the best heart health supplements, raises some important facts about the disease.

Heart disease, which is known as cardiovascular disease, is a general term illnesses or diseases of the heart (cardio) and blood vessels (vasculitis). Since a variety of cardiovascular diseases. However, ischemic heart disease is the most common heart disease.

Reduction in the coronary artery. E “through a process called atherosclerosis (hardened arteries), it is the accumulation of parasites – deposits cholesterol, fats and calcium. Over time, reduced blood flow to the” Hunger “lead to cardiac and angina pectoris (chest pain). A complete blockage can cause heart attacks. In fact, ischemic heart disease the leading cause of death for men and women in the U.S. annually.

In addition, several studies have shown that people with high cholesterol levels rather than those who develop atherosclerosis that low cholesterol claim. Therefore, many patients with hypercholesterolemia for information on cardiovascular and nutritional supplements. In addition, it was found that a high amino acid homocysteine may be associated with an increased risk of atherosclerosis.

In fact, listen to words such as heart disease, stroke, and heart attack is frightening, and that these tests, many people with information on cardiovascular nutrition and receive complements the health of the heart. However, we believe that the information is to be understood before the selection of health and nutrition, it is important that the risk factors associated with the condition, it is very important to prevent its comprehensive strategy to protect against heart disease. These are
LDL bad “cholesterol
Low HDL “good” cholesterol
No traffic
unhealthy food
Overweight and obesity
Alcohol abuse
Family history

Needless to say, that the first step to avoid or reduce the risk of heart disease has decided to lead a healthy life. In addition to age, sex and heredity, is a great power of control over each of these risk factors for heart disease.

He said that we go to heart disease and dietary supplements.

While it is important to realize that herbal dietary supplement or replace any food, poor nutrition and lack of exercise can be effective components are used in conjunction with the supply of heart-healthy lifestyles and improving health. Now, what is his strategy for the health of the heart and / or strategies against heart disease, should perform what he has three main objectives had in mind, you should be used in conjunction with diet, exercise and diet or nutritional supplements and herbs that are best suited for you. We believe that the prevention of cardiovascular disease should risk from many angles, as the outcome of the disease associated with many risk factors are addressed “is not the only reason.

Three main objectives of the health of the heart:
Opening of the blood vessels
Adopted by the heart muscle
Control of damage caused by free radicals – antioxidants

Complement the arteries open

Our research shows that if there is heart disease and dietary supplements are used to open the blood vessels so that only some of the best, and thus a part of a strategy to combat heart disease are.

Ginkgo biloba is known to improve blood flow in the body, including the heart muscle. Ginkgo is a powerful antioxidant and may affect the viscosity of the blood, reduces blood clotting.

Fish oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA), for heart health. Fish oil prevents platelet concentrate, reduce blood clots. It has also been shown to lower blood pressure, lower triglyceride (blood fat) and improve blood circulation. In fact, omega-3 fish oil by many experts as the best heart disease and dietary supplements, what it is, a part of its strategy to combat heart disease are praised by.

Policosanol studies – have shown that policosanol can bad cholesterol (LDL to reduce) and 20% increases the good cholesterol (HDL) by 10%.

Gugulipid is known for his ability to assess bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides lower in the blood. Has also been shown to increase to a level of good cholesterol (HDL).

B-vitamins, especially vitamin B6, B12 and folic acid to reduce homocysteine levels.

Chromium is a mineral that plays the role of the management of cholesterol. It can help to improve glycemic control in patients with diabetes to improve.

Garlic has proven to reduce cholesterol and triglycerides and blood pressure slightly. What’s more, studies show that Garlic may reduce blood clots.

Other nutrients to open the blood vessels, and soy protein, niacin

Additional costs for strengthening the heart muscle

Our research shows that if there is heart disease and dietary supplements to strengthen the heart muscle, following are some of the best and can therefore be part of its strategy to combat heart disease.

Magnesium – This mineral is an important role in the muscle contraction and relaxation. participates in blood pressure regulation (by relaxing the blood vessels) and can help reduce blood clotting tendencies.

Coenzyme Q10 is on its ability to assess myocardial infarction and prevents heart attacks and improve heart disease.

Espino is a powerful tonic heart. It also strengthens the heart pump power (muscle), which helps the heart more clearly and effectively.

It is further augmentation of myocardial L-carnitine, potassium

Information on heart disease and dietary supplements: Antioxidants

Antioxidants help prevent heart disease by fighting free radicals, substances that damage the body if not controlled. These substances are Mission Search and Destroy, did take the fight to free radicals. Nutritional Supplements help fight free radicals and so should be part of preventive strategies against heart disease be.

Grape Seed Extract is rich flavonoids (oligomeric proanthocyanidins or OPC to act), as a strong antioxidant and strengthens the blood vessels strong.

Green tea contains a group of strong antioxidants called polyphenols. Green tea protects LDL-cholesterol and blood oxygenation.

Other anti-oxidants to help identify the heart of the circulatory system are vitamins C and E, resveratrol and


In fact, heart disease and dietary supplements is extremely important. But before taking a nutritional supplement for preventing or treating heart disease, make sure you discuss with your doctor.

Review dietary supplement education center

We believe that should be considered, if possible, take measures to reduce to a big heart to someone who is able to create such an additive to protect. Here are a few reasons why ..
It can be very dangerous to mix and adapt health and food on their own.
Security on the heart in a very individual components can be formulated to add their therapeutic, often much better than a single plant or on its own nutritional value.
Proportion of nutrients is perfectly balanced to be effective.

Bottom line:

Although we added some of the best heart health range, the companies are using advanced nutraceuticals general health of the heart, lowers cholesterol and heart health promotion artery. It is therefore important to understand how and why, what makes these products useful in the world – an important factor to make an informed decision about heart disease and dietary supplements .

Effects Of Free Radicals – Premature Aging Is Caused By Free Radical Damage To Cells

Free radicals damage the cell membranes. Organ or organ system has billions of cells, each cell is connected to other cells in the proper functioning of the institutions. Although the man is a system of organs is the brain, eyes, liver, pancreas, heart, etc., the cell membranes are also involved in the import of nutrients into the cells and other waste exports. Free radicals and the nucleic acids DNA and mitochondrial damage to cells.

Mitochondria are cellular powerhouse. At this point, should in the energy metabolism, provides energy to cells and tissues to function properly positioned. Deficit of energy metabolism result in more fatigue and pain and cause the deterioration of the facilities activities.

The process of damage by free radicals and reduces the production of energy is a vicious circle. Damaged mitochondria produce less energy and stress. Authors body load the main cause for the production of free radicals. This endless cycle of stress and free radical damage to mitochondria forever.

Up to 30 years old, this subtle attack by free radicals, a small external influences. 30 years (and lower for women), high-speed nature of the damage began to bite, and energy production is less than the necessary level of health.

Studies have shown that many people are shorter than normal and oxidative stress. and brain tissue of Alzheimer’s disease, for example, that the high mitochondrial DNA damage. Blood samples for the sufferings of a heart rate of the same type of damage. Free radical damage is still evident .i

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Resveratrol – Anti-Aging, Weight Loss and Super Antioxidant Rolled Into One Humble Supplement

Resveratrol is an anti-aging, weight loss, and all around super-antioxidant that is? Is this the latest fashion? Therefore, it is not true in all the hype, and why you should seriously consider resveratrol.

This wish is, of course, if you are struggling to weight, aging and increase resistance lose. (If you do not want to stop that read them.)

First – What is resveratrol?

This component can be assumed naturally in red wine with a miracle, and scientists, that what is behind the “French paradox”. Say, is rich French cuisine, but not surprising that the French have less heart disease, can be expected. The answer is a red wine, which is often eaten with meals.

You’ll see, eat red the highest concentration of resveratrol in the wild. Problem? Do not drink too much or risk getting drunk!

So, in summary, resveratrol is a natural food antioxidants is amazing.

Resveratrol – Super Antioxidant

You already know that cause the oxygen-body disease and aging. Antioxidants to combat the effects of consumption (for want of a better term) of free radicals in our body, which leads to oxidation.

The results are not conclusive, antioxidants are a necessary part of a healthy body. Not only strengthens the immune system, but will help to stop or even reverse some of the effects of aging.

Resveratrol E? It packs the antioxidant knockout, especially in combination with green tea (a strong relationship, if any).

Resveratrol Anti Aging Supplement

Marked a new direction, if the word leaks Resveratrol stops its anti-aging. And when it became clear it was a bit “weird.

For years, researchers know that a low calorie diet slim deprivation, which leads to a healthy weight (not anorexic thin) for the health and quality of life improved. This is due to lack of calories, stimulates the NAD-dependent deacetylase 1 sirtuins (SIRT1) gene.

This gene will largely depend on how people live longer and healthier lives. But here’s the problem – who to hell, to be hungry all the time want?

You know what? Resveratrol also promotes modest SIRT1 gene nutrients. It takes advantage of the calorie deficit ..without lack!

In addition, my nurse said that resveratrol was a few months there are no gray hair! Who hoo!

Weight loss Resveratrol

Back to the SIRT1 gene, which promotes the activity of resveratrol, you know what the other side of this gene on the body? Help to kill and burn fat more efficiently. This means that if you eat a normal, healthy diet, weight loss, perhaps in his jeans (and genes)!

Find Anti-Aging Resveratrol, an antioxidant supplement for weight loss

It is time to start taking advantage of resveratrol? Perhaps, if you want to stop the aging process, lose weight and be healthier in general!.

Here’s a “60 Minutes” video you can watch, and where you can get a free trial of the super antioxidant resveratrol.

Green Tea Helps Rheumatoid Arthritis Sufferers

Green and black tea and oolong tea plant (Camellia sinensis). It is used in Chinese medicine for over 4000 years. Green varieties are more health benefits, because the newspapers how they are treated. Other types of fermented tea leaves, but green steam. Polyphenols are powerful antioxidants that are not such as to its effectiveness in preventing and fighting disease.

Green tea is useful for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, because it promotes inflammation, since anti-inflammatory properties. He is also known to inhibit the cartilage in the joints. It also contains antioxidants C and antioxidant effect of green tea showed 25-100 times higher than that of vitamins C and E.

Practicing medicine, is also recommended green tea for cancer (breast, stomach, skin, esophagus, etc.). Also used to help you lose weight, improve concentration and protects skin sun damage follows a list of certain conditions, 

the green tea is known to help:

- Cancer

- Rheumatoid Arthritis

- Measures to facilitate the digestion

- High cholesterol


- Infection

- Increased resistance

- Losses

There is much to recommend about this tea, and just say against him. Because it contains caffeine, some symptoms of caffeine. They range from insomnia, anxiety, irritability, nausea, diarrhea and other symptoms.

It is available in the beverage, capsule, and a certain skin care products to extract.
How much green tea should drink? The University of Sciences found that drinking at least four cups of tea per day may prevent rheumatoid arthritis, or reduce, that they have symptoms.

This article is for informational purposes and does not provide for consultation and diagnosis. See your doctor and health problems, and before the changes .

Biological Ingredients Found in Skin Care Products Counteract Photoaging

Natural ingredients, natural skin care products can damage the skin to prevent.

Studies show that natural ingredients can include pollution by exposure to ultraviolet radiation to reduce, in other words, exposure to sunlight. Of course we want to tan your skin, because it gives us the opportunity to look radiant and healthy. But that is not true to the skin. The ultraviolet light is constantly in contact with the environment of toxic substances such as tobacco smoke and air pollution is a large amount of reactive oxygen species called free radicals on the skin surface. Chain reaction was born. live capture of free radicals and electrons in molecules, molecules of electron-hole possible in the ice. “These holes for all the unwanted elements that are harmful to living cells.

Our leather has its own system for preparing for the situation and asked for superoxide dismutase (SOD), which is an antioxidant enzyme. But the skin from UV radiation and other environmental factors, studies have shown a significant decrease of SOD. This is a very important step in the health of our skin so desperately needs (SOD), what can we do?

Science proves the existence of the regenerative properties of snail secretion

Fortunately, researchers in Spain and New York a replacement that is a natural substance is excreted in the snails found. This material is used to protect the skin against the destructive elements of the screw, has a protective effect of local human skin and UV-induced skin damage and give antioxidant enzymes SOD is essential for revitalizing the skin.

Studies indicate that asset management for the excellent organic photoaging. Study was conducted in 1999, when signs of facial photoaging participants took part in the implementation part of the skin. The results were very positive. They are:

* Youth of the skin, reduced wrinkles and skin aging

* Moisten the skin, the skin moisture

Skin elasticity and flexibility of study * of the skin improving firmness and

How can you base the skin on organic ingredients that you keep your skin in good condition see to help, so to prevent free radicals and protects the skin from UV sunlight. We must not forget that it helps the skin fresh and alive, reduce wrinkles and accelerate the aging process of the skin.

It is amazing how this powerful factor in our organic skin .

Natural antioxidants found in natural skin creams can counteract photoaging and skin damage. These organic ingredients bring your skin back to health. We invite you to visit our website and see how our unique skincare treatment made with this biological ingredient helps with photoaging and acts as an excellent antiwrinkle product.

Cocoa Tea Morning Routine – Wake Up World, Here I Come!

Volume I, Scene 1

Alarm. And go “You 6:20 10 minutes sleep to work overtime. 06:30 – time to get out of bed. On the morning looks miserable. Tired of life, I would sleep until the sun rises. Your feet splashing in the bath that the demand for coffee in the morning. As soon as the fire caffeine, back to normal and ready for the day. shower, dress and 7:30 clock in the morning and at the door the next day.

Take-Two, Scene 1

Alarm. And “You’re only 10 minutes to go to sleep at 06.20 clock in overtime. 06:30 – time to get out of bed. On the morning looks miserable. Tired of life, I would sleep until the sun rises. This feet splashing in the bath that night, the desire Cup ..CocoPure! Rich aroma of chocolate stimulates directly the hotel. Rich in nutrients, bite, are antioxidants that life begins at all boring routine morning! This is not a “normal subject” on a busy day. I do not why.Caffeine put additional strain on the body by promoting the activity in the brain. Small pulse that caffeine is a temporary and empty, regular doses could be harmful to the organism. So for those who live in coffee worth of healthy beverages such as tea, cocoa.

Benefits of your morning routine Cocoa Tea

pure chocolate is well-known stimulating effect on the brain. Study of Pure cacao links higher levels of serotonin. Serotonin is a hormone that “stimulates good” factor. A cup of tea in the morning chocolate lift the mood and bring good mood to start the day!

Cocoa pure tea supports the cardiovascular system, cardiovascular health, helps regulate blood pressure is normal. Also stimulates the immune system. Good news for observers is that of cocoa, tea is known to help to suppress appetite. Pure cocoa is considered moderate to help, the desire to eat sweets, and thus contribute to eliminating appetit!

Chocolate Tea – A combination of antioxidants!

Make chocolate CocoPure can still remain a lot because it contains pure cocoa, green tea and the benefits of resveratrol. All three are rich in antioxidants, nutrients that chocolate is a health risk have high nutritional value.

Chocolate Tea contains green tea, known for its many advantages. Green tea helps the brain and increase alertness, increase to a good start to the day! Green tea helps with healthy cholesterol and blood sugar regulated. Health, skin, antioxidants and green tea are mainly known for longevity! Green tea is good news for Weight Watchers because it’s thermogenic properties. In other words, it helps the body to burn fat faster!

Chocolate contains resveratrol CocoPure tea. Resveratrol is only the media, many of its potential role in longevity. Resveratrol is known that the arteries of the heart and circulatory system to protect health. It also helps to increase strength and energy that you need to start the day!

CocoPure – Wake Up World!

CocoPure contains pure cocoa, green tea and resveratrol, and three health-promoting nutrients and expenditure. Do not start the day with a cup of coffee, boring way to your day with coffee, hot chocolate, soft drinks antioxidant tri-power, can begin to be drunk hot or cold. Addiction is not the caffeine in the morning and win a day tea, cocoa. Cocoa Tea also contains nutrients to provide a healthy interest!.

New Vitality is a health supplements company.

The Benefits of Cocoa Butter For Skin Care

Cocoa butter (also known as cocoa butter), contains many different antioxidants, which can synergistically to a massive attack of free radicals that destroy skin cells and cause premature aging. As such, it is therefore an ideal product for skin care.

Again, see the notice. Since the “product” is ideal for skin care products? The question we must ask ourselves what can do antioxidants and cocoa butter, and then why it is better that the market for the treatment of other skin care products.

Free radicals are molecules with low metabolism in the body, energy is produced when glucose mitochondria of each cell in the body. There is also the exposure to pollutants such as pesticides and tobacco, snuff various toxic compounds. Cigars and pipes are not as dangerous as cigarettes and filter tips, do not differ in the production of free radicals.

What to do to destroy the cells and when it comes to the skin cells begin to age. The skin should be dry and wrinkled, and begin to look for someone older than you. They help called oxidation and antioxidants can be prevented. They neutralize free radicals and prevent skin cells from damage.

Cocoa butter contains many different antioxidants that can play a variety of free radicals and peroxides such as hydrogen peroxide can be fatal. Vitamin E is an antioxidant made strong – and stronger than all the antioxidant vitamins, in fact, and light with hydrogen peroxide and other oxidants. Others are the vitamins and C, but can not approach the effectiveness of vitamin E

It also contains phytochemicals (brand name of the chemical plant), such as flavonoids are powerful antioxidants. Polyphenols are very effective in neutralizing free radicals and cocoa polyphenols are extremely effective. In fact, the concentration of cocoa butter contains antioxidants such as berries, better food and other assumptions.

Cocoa butter, to be effective, they must be possible in the context of most cells in the skin, which is massaged into the skin closed. The skin is very absorbent and destroy free radicals that occur in the depths of the skin before they can cause damage.

It is scientifically proven that cocoa butter to prevent a deterioration of the skin from harmful UV rays of sunlight – UV, free radicals, which produce very effective in the destruction of the skin. Just look at the effects of sunburn! But more cocoa butter.

It contains a high content of minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, copper and iron, all of the biological form, which makes them more effective than the vitamin business. Not only that. It also contains tryptophan, which is involved in the creation of serotonin, “the importance of dopamine, neurotransmitters good” and phenylethylamine, and all the good stuff. It is food for thought and food for the skin.

No doubt there are many skin care products more cocoa butter, and some that you have a strong sense of how research on how the skin is so good .

Cocoa butter is a strong antioxidant, and for more information on natural skin care products with a good scientific background visit Laura’s website Castle Baths, and also her web page Cocoa Butter if you are interested in learning more about how cocoa butter can help you to retain your youth.

Flavonoids Help For The Heart And Fight Against Cancer!

For years, scientists believed that the French put the butter and fat enough to fill pastry shop in Paris, have higher cholesterol levels than Americans, and the smoke, as we are, but the speed is 24 times smaller than our hearts.

Pillows and inflation can eat, but eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. This is important because these foods such as red wine, is a good source of flavonoids, seem to help halt the withdrawal of cholesterol in arterial walls.

% U2022 Dutch study examined the eating habits of 805 men aged 65-84. Showed that those foods that food rich in flavonoids, which is about four cups of tea, apple, onion and a cup of half a day are more prone to heart disease and one third less likely to experience heart disease than those who are less die ate.

% U2022 another study, Finnish researchers found that people have only very small amounts of flavonoids, for 25 years, and an increased risk of heart disease. much credit for these achievements, one of the most effective flavonoids quercetin. Quercetin is an antioxidant than vitamin E, which is known for her role as prevention of heart disease.

% U2022 protective flavonoid antioxidants other than that will do so. There is evidence that these compounds act as non-stick coating in the blood, inhibit platelet small plates of blood clots, leading to infection of the arterial walls and the blockade of reasons.

% U2022 Self flavonoids may be better than aspirin in preventing excessive bleeding. When people in stress, increased adrenaline, acetylsalicylic acid, which is less efficient, but it is not the case with flavonoids. In one study, researchers gave one group of monkeys with aspirin and stress hormone adrenaline. In fact, the blood of the monkeys began to bleed. If the monkeys received a supplement of flavonoids, but not saved the aspirin, and then into the bloodstream, even in stressful situations. Best of all flavonoids Sun is upset stomach, that aspirin can.

U2022% of the free radicals damage the body the blood vessels in the heart can also damage DNA, the genetic material in cells has shown how to act. This damage can cause cancer. Since flavonoids help to prevent free radicals, it seems useful to prevent cancer.

% U2022 So far, several large studies showed no association with the protection of cancer. Sometimes it may be that researchers focus on key flavonoids, quercetin, and the less well-known parents.

% U2022, it seems that some flavonoids, silymarin and tangeretin, which is under the bark of oranges, lemons and other citrus fruits may be relevant to cancer prevention.

% U2022 studies in mice, for example, researchers found the Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, that if the skin that silymarin could be the formation of tumors can be prevented. Other laboratory studies have shown that tangeretin prevent human breast cancer cells. Although these compounds have a protective transparent .

The Power of Garlic

There are many scientific studies on herbs and garlic have been, and strong heart. These studies have also shown that cultures that eat lots of garlic, there are far fewer heart attacks.

Criticism of garlic compounds

Sulfur ingredients are the key to most of the benefits of garlic. These compounds include S-allyl cysteine, water soluble, stable and biologically. Small amounts of garlic can be found here, but large quantities can be found at the age of garlic. In fact, most studies on its medicinal properties, concentrated że from the heart of the old-extract, because it is stable, which have different effects on the health and rich in antioxidants is.

Garlic Heart disease Herbal

Garlic can help refer people with high cholesterol, LDL cholesterol (LDL-C, which is also known as “bad” cholesterol) and raise HDL-Cholesterol (HDL and “good” cholesterol). This is due to secondary plant compounds found in garlic, which have the same way as drugs to lower cholesterol, one-act plays. Unlike these drugs, cardiovascular disease, cardiac side effects. Yes, it’s heart a much safer option is to use.

Studies have shown that the heart actually pick lowers cholesterol by 10%. However, you should be about 24 cloves of garlic per day to eat in order to achieve the desired effect. They prevent the consumption of garlic, if you have many other advantages. For example, grass, can improve heart disease to LDL / HDL, reduce an important factor in the risk of cardiovascular disease. Garlic also acts as an antioxidant that also helps prevent heart disease prevent the oxidation of cholesterol and ensures a healthy arteries.

There are no studies showing that garlic works better than aspirin as an anticoagulant. Naturally, doctors recommend the anticoagulant effect of aspirin to prevent heart attack. However, garlic is an excellent alternative to a heart that is so powerful and dangerous side effects. Therefore, everyone should consider the use of aspirin increased the heart. This will not only herbal extract protects the heart, that you are looking for, but there are also many health benefits, this herb has been collected, including the health of the heart.

In the heart of garlic

Capacity of the plant in the cardiac protection against cardiovascular disease is primarily due to the antioxidants that may lower blood fat levels, and also influenced by anticoagulants. What is more, was the survey in April 2003, the University of California, Los Angeles, according to one can of garlic extract in a year (also known as Kyolic garlic were performed) to reduce the patient’s heart from a heart attack by 50%. This is due to the age of garlic extract on the deposition of plaque in arteries can employees in more than 50% reduction in LDL and triglycerides and increase HDL reduced. He could also reduce the blood levels of homocysteine for cardiovascular disease. Itself, doctors now know that heart patients with statins, the risk of heart attack can do more by reducing to the heart of this herbal nutrition.

Research on the effects of garlic in cholesterol

This deals with high cholesterol should be aware that this herb is a heart can reduce cholesterol levels by 20%. For this reason, garlic is indeed a medicine has been approved in Germany, for the people who are resistant to and inhibits the arteries to help. Heart of natural medicine, the best works in conjunction with a diet low in fat, though.


This herb has a good heart and cholesterol levels in people with heart disease, especially if he aged garlic. For this reason, plant diseases at the same time part of the diet one of, if you need further protects against cardiovascular disease. Certainly contribute to the risk of heart attack, which is especially important when the heart is severely impaired .

Garlic Pills: No Odor, No Effect

Almost all plants contain chemicals that help the health care and a range of chemicals that can cause a disease can. So, if you read or hear about a new chemical substance found in a chemical factory, to help the prevention or treatment, not to go and try to eat large quantities of plants or to buy the extract in tablet form, as the plant. They have a variety of plants in a healthy diet full of plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts and other seeds have.

distilled in 1844, Theodor Wertheim, a German chemist, garlic and spicy substance called allyl, the Latin name for garlic. Four years later, Louis Pasteur in Paris showed that allyl could prevent the growth of bacteria.

 Sandoz scientists knew of studies Pasteur 100 years ago, but the investigation is still more pleased if the government per person Sandoz allicin, garlic extract for the treatment of infections caused by the smell.

Entrepreneurs sell garlic pills that claim to kill bacteria and no smell. The research shows that I found, if you do not feel that Allicin has been proven to kill bacteria. Numerous studies show that allicin can bacteria be killed in vitro, but not with drugs because they do not know how it works in your body, how to ensure that the extract was active in the chemicals, or as an appropriate dose . Enjoy food, garlic, and promote their property as part of a varied diet that includes a variety of plants .

Health Benefits of Drinking Alkaline Water

Years have shown medical studies, that the average human body contains acids that can be harmful. These levels are not a healthy majority of the typical American diet of processed food and soft drinks created with. What is frightening is that the acid state can develop the ideal environment for the disease created. accumulated, for example, acid waste in the joints encourages inflammation and arthritis.

The good news is that the drinking water it ionizes well, is that we eat a powerful antioxidant. Because it is very alkaline, ionized water to dissolve acid waste accumulated balance of the body. This means that drinking alkaline ionized by H2O is the first line of defense diseases! In fact, ionized water is known to support the treatment of constipation, diabetes, dry skin, hypertension, gastrointestinal disorders, obesity, osteoporosis, headaches, tension and many other diseases.

The best part is that you activate an antioxidant, a water ionizer machine Tyent. Deionized water, refresh in particular, to us at the cellular level. It is, in fact we can never for a fountain of hope! Ionization is very simple: Water is a positive and negative electrodes, which ionizes the water. Electron ionization detector is only a means to obtain or lose. Is or becomes ionized H2O alkaline or acidic, meaning that the pH value is adjusted up or down means. When the water flows in the unity of the ionizer, which is in two types, acidic and alkaline divided. Alkaline water is full of hydroxyl ions. What you should drink. acidic water has a lot of hydrogen ions. What we can swim. It is ideal for plant growth, but not the man to drink. ”

benefits of drinking alkaline ionized water is surprising, because:

Alkaline ionized water in the body acids and makes it difficult to diseases and viruses to take root and grow balance. Maintaining an alkaline pH (6.9 to 7.2), help us to conserve the environment of our body that does not contribute to the disease. This may take some time, but depending on the acidity of the body, deionized water, because it is the alkaline properties, to remove acidic substances. Ionized water is intended for use as a preventive measure, but if you have a disease that remain, it is always useful to alkaline.

Moisten ionised carry the body with vitamins, minerals and nutrients throughout the body at a speed much faster than tap water. Small version, or “Short more hydrating H2O is classic, and it is extremely detoxifying. Weaning properties of ionized water is a powerful and amazing. We can not ignore if we really believe healthy!

It neutralizes free radicals, ionized water is a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants are important for health because they are against this disease, anti-aging and cancer. Antioxidants are effective because they neutralize free radicals.

Cleanse the colon and remove source of the disease: DI water to clean the colon, the toxic fecal matter that has accumulated in the days, weeks or months can contain.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Using Manuka Honey to Cure Acne

Honey is a known health benefits and is a common house for many official complaints, but it can improve acne? Because honey has been recognized as the treatment of acne is that it contains anti-bacterial properties associated with that fight bacteria and inflammation associated with acne help.

But the difference between different types of honey. Not all honey is an effective antibacterial and anti-acne treatment, and therefore can not regulate the outcomes or health services for the use of honey. This is a special honey, however, that the honey of bees from the nectar of New Zealand Manuka Bush has been produced. Studies have shown that such a strong antibacterial honey, viral, antioxidant, antiseptic, antifungal and contain anti-honey is not correct.

Honey and differs from the other honey diluted eliminated, it spreads to the skin is not affected by heat or light and do not require moisture or oxygen effect. All this makes this unique honey.

In fact, after receiving such a honey UMF (Unique Manuka Factor) rating, which is something you should try. A larger number of UMF strength and efficiency. The most important thing to remember is that if you are such a honey in the treatment of acne, you want to buy raw honey, all of which have been discussed. There are many manufacturers who are also acne products in such a honey, but not all products are equal. Find products that contain at least 5% of the honey produced in the effective distance.

You can use Manuka honey in the treatment of acne in different ways. The most common way to use it as a mask. Add honey and apply the mask directly in front once or twice a week, just before bedtime. The mask alone or honey 3 tablespoons of honey and lemon juice, cinnamon, oatmeal or toasted wheat germ. Leave a face mask for 20 minutes and rinse with warm clothing. You can also reduce DAB bit of honey on a daily basis, without direct swelling and redness.

There are many people who swear by the use of honey in the treatment of acne, but everyone is different and results may vary from this tried. If you opt for a natural treatment, acne seek work, honey may be just the thing .

The Need to Take an Antioxidant Formula With Minerals

Many foods contain antioxidants that are used on a daily basis. Tomatoes, broccoli, green tea, pumpkin, cranberry, are examples of such foods. Now the question arises in view of the person, if antioxidants are readily available, as in all such products, mineral antioxidant worry?

Superficially, it appears that the intake of foods with vitamins and minerals is the healthiest way. Order to have enough antioxidants in a compact design using minerals on a daily basis, you have to take the capsules.

Lack of vitamins and minerals

Many people are unable to consume the necessary amount of antioxidants formula of vitamins and minerals in your daily diet. Therefore the formula. Although the homemade formula of antioxidants is certainly positive, but it is difficult to get the right proportions. Over a useful ingredients, which I truly believe that we are doing something good.

That is the way of life, a seemingly healthy diet is low fat low cholesterol, lead to the actual damage can add. Mineral lecithin helps to significantly reduce cholesterol and improve cognitive function. Mainly egg, whole grain products, soybeans, minerals, etc. in the preparation of minerals, antioxidants involved.

Lecithin is a dietary supplements part of the balance on a diet of fat and low fat. If the person comes to plant, may also need the minerals that can easily be found in animal products. Selenium is one of those cases.

The most common source of selenium in red meat, eggs, garlic, fish, cereals and fish. Someone who would consume a vegetarian diet very beneficial to eat the formula contains antioxidant mineral selenium. To maintain and restore the youth, selenium is useful because it helps maintain the elasticity of the skin. Repair damaged tissue selenium was also found to be very useful.

When you find that more difficult each day to maintain a balance of vitamins and minerals will be maintained in the diet should be taken into account, the antioxidant mineral formula to maintain health. Supplements will not be a good option for nutritional food to be, but if it is used in combination with a healthy diet, can act as an effective combination of well-being .

Do you want to regain the youthful look, and walk with a better health? If yes, then the right antioxidant formula with minerals is your solution. Read more about antioxidant health benefits right now, and energize your life.

Selenium Maintains a Healthy Immune System

Selenium is a trace element for some time, was not necessary for good health. However, it is a necessary condition and effective antioxidant mineral found. Antioxidant free radical metabolism, we, the weight. If you do not neutralize damaging free radicals, the cells, to a rapid aging, weak immune system, and possibly cancer.

In the body, selenium is used in the production of selenoproteins. These enzymes are powerful antioxidants that will help protect the aging body us to withstand the stress and may contribute to some cancers. Focus on the body can increase the production of free radicals. Selenium helps us to better tolerate the stress for each of these other products. This is very important to have an inhibiting protein, tumor growth. In many studies, selenium is considered one of the most effective compounds recognized to prevent cancer.

Selenium also helps control normal thyroid function. People with lack of iodine is often used as selenium. Thyroid gland is an important part of the immune system and immune cells mature here. These immune system cells are white blood cells. Selenium is also used by the body to create white blood cells. HIV-infected often weaken selenium deficiency and chronic activation of the immune system. Other diseases that can affect the white blood cells to reduce body selenium. Appendix may be useful in such cases.

Selenium is also in various vitamins, powerful antioxidants that are also active. Selenium affects the efficacy of vitamin C, antioxidant vitamins, and it is known that the immune system. Together with vitamin E, selenium to reduce excessive inflammation. Although inflammation is a natural and useful life, excessive or chronic inflammatory conditions may be harmful. Diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and Crohn’s disease Crohn’s disease. Selenium may help relieve inflammation.

Interestingly, selenium also appears to relieve inflammation of asthma. Studies found that many smokers have low selenium. Perhaps selenium treat inflammation caused by smoking. Smokers can supplement of selenium.

Too much selenium can be toxic. Things, but the toxicity of selenium compounds are extremely rare, and all instructions and observe selenium supplement the recommended dosages. Selenium deficiency is not directly cause disease, but it reduces the ability of the body with stress, which leads to illness to overcome. Selenium are particularly useful for those who have a poor absorption of minerals, such as people with gastrointestinal disease. Liquid supplements are particularly useful in cases such as these minerals are absorbed and is used by the body.

Good quality liquid supplement of selenium can be sure that you keep enough selenium on the immune state. Smokers and people with certain diseases, in particular, should supplementing selenium liquid .

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Coffee As Skin Care and Hair Care – Your Very Own Beauty Secret

Coffee has always been known that we are to enliven the morning. But if you need more than just a hot drink on a regular basis? In fact, it is a delicious drink, the secret of beauty can be, is very good, as well as skin and hair.

Coffee can start the day, more feeling, not quite. It is better to take 2-3 cups of coffee per day. This is due to the fact that moderation can prevent gallstones, liver cirrhosis and cancer of the colon. On the other hand, the risk of stroke, cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer’s disease.

Coffee is also full of antioxidants, which is suitable for skin care and anti-aging. It is also good for topical application to the skin, except that it’s a very good drink. There are many cafes that offer incredible performance when applied topically to the skin. Therefore, many companies are looking for skin care products and to develop this miracle substance for later use their skin care products manufacturer.

In addition to the benefits of coffee on the skin, a further advantage of the beauty of coffee is to improve on the hair and damage the hair. Try the spa visit, and refers to the use of coffee, an important component in the treatment of the hair. Cafes and rich in antioxidants can help repair your hair and prevent breakage.

Warning that the use of coffee, that there may never be applied directly to the hair color. This measure can be used and use it to rinse your hair for coffee, coffee-shops. Do rinse for about 20 minutes with water. Look at his smooth shiny hair .

Do You Crave Chocolate?

Did you know that chocolate good for you? Would you like the chocolate may be that your body needs. However, if the chocolate is processed mistakenly think the taste, but some foods may lose value. Then again, I want more chocolate, because you are what you need – because they wanted to, and then you can become addicted.

Among other things, dark chocolate is the best antioxidant I have seen letters: Evaluation of 13 000 ORAC units per 100 grams compared to 980 Brussels sprouts, cranberries, 2400 or 5770 (the largest I have seen, except chocolate), plums. However, if the chocolate is refined sugar, wax, grease, alkalis, acids, trans fats and dairy products contain hormones or destroys other cheap fillers, the quality of antioxidants are missing or not available.

In fact helps to keep many of the healing properties of chocolate to less healthy blood platelet count is low, blood clots, heart attack and stroke. Healthy Chocolate lowers LDL (bad) and cocoa butter, oleic acid, unsaturated fatty acids, olive oil, and is considered the good cholesterol (HDL increase). It also promotes good blood circulation and blood pressure and even intends to use the flexibility of blood vessels, improve blood circulation, improves heart health and reduces the risk of dying of cardiovascular diseases.

Healthy chocolate can also improve the resistance and insulin sensitivity, which can be protected by diabetes, and has a lot of vitamins and minerals in healthy chocolate. But be careful and check the ingredients, it is important that the organic chocolate and sweeteners, suitable safe, evaporated cane juice as not alkaline, magazines or other accessories. While the chocolate is not a long list of ingredients.

In addition, you really do have caffeine, chocolate healthy? Stimulant theobromine healthy chocolate is very similar to caffeine, although its molecular structure and is often confused with caffeine. Fortunately, caffeine is much milder, which increases the burden. It also promotes the level of endorphins and serotonin, theobromine, the positive feelings and emotions, the joy that is a mild antidepressant promotes.

What is the most interesting news is that if it “meets your thirst with a moderate degree of processing of chocolate is a perfect and clean, to perform adequately this request: If you have a long tradition of” addiction “, you may need to act in this part, but there is no real needs of non-performance, want to prevent the problem too complicated and efforts!.

There are several forms to choose from; the “24 Karat Fondue Chocolate (natural)”, 2 pounds of wafers is the best value.

Garlic – The Clove to Love

This is not love garlic? This was an important part of the house of natural resources through the ages, he added pizazz of our food, it is known to mention the mosquitoes (not to fight the vampires), and who can forget his impact on human health? Power of garlic is not enough for me to remember the sweet taste. So they came with very good! It seems that I am not the only one who thinks so. Reports can speak of the Fund at regular intervals over the garlic plant is the strongest for the health of the heart that can not get enough of it.

Garlic-lovers? Do not worry, it’s the beauty of food supplements. You can continue to enjoy a healthy, without garlic breath.

If you have prepared the way, is ready to listen and forth about a lot of fresh garlic. Each manufacturer offers a full garlic is the best and cheapest. Some tout aged garlic is better because it is higher in antioxidants, no negative effects such as bad breath. Others say that fresh garlic is a solution because, unlike in the years allicin, a compound that includes more fresh garlic as an oxidant. If you buy a new addition of garlic, say medical experts are looking for, which contains 5000 mcg of allicin more than health benefits.

What do you want to make sure that a lot to do in good health. Medical research has shown that garlic can cause health problems, such as help for example:

% U2022 at a good level of blood pressure
% U2022 urinary tract health
% U2022 healthy cholesterol levels
% U2022 Energy
U2022% supporting the immune system
% U2022 Practice digestive system
% U2022 the health of the eyes and the brain

It does not matter how this guy has crush on you! Add the garlic and a friend, if not force, to the food, both for the health .

The Acai Berry – Is it Really All That It’s Cracked Up to Be?

Acai Hysteria: Why the confusion?

It seems that the acai berry has received much attention these days.

Only a few years I have never heard of acai (pronounced ah-sigh-EE). It turns out that the Acai Berry has been discussed all over the world. Beauty guru Nicholas Perricone Acai designated lot on Oprah Winfrey’s Web site. As the local newspaper in my community is a big story before the acai berry.

Acai Berry grows in Brazil, the Amazon rainforest. Acai is known and used for the Indians in Brazil for many years to get a good health and vitality.

Today, people who regularly report the much acai health benefits, some are better sleep, more and more energy, stronger immune system, and better concentration.


Few people know acai to North America until mid-2000, the way to tropical fruit Acai Berry Truck Service is built to protect large quantities.

Behold, the acai berry destroys 24-36 hours after the election. Before you build in the rain forest to Acai Berry products are intended to replace the 24-36 hours of storage, limited quantity of grapes, the jungle by boat to a slow means of transport may be transported.

Therefore, at the end of the trail in the jungle road in 2002, only a small amount of Acai Berry is processed and separated. Acai is consumed in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo for a long time, and Acai has popularized with the elite in Europe end of 1990.

Implementation of road links in the forest in 2002 paved the way for Acai Berry in North America popular. Therefore, if you’ve heard the Acai berry only recently, do not like to feel the head in the sand, because not many people or other Americans. Acai berries in North America is relatively new.

Before the Acai Berry has become popular in North America, said some people in the United States and that I saw a business opportunity.

Soon the brothers began the company Sambazon one of the largest U.S. retail acai.

Acai Products

Today, the nutrition and wellness is up to a variety of acai products to sell.

Acai Juice is the main product. However, there are a variety of products acai juice on the market. You can buy tablets, capsules and powder acai. Except that one shampoo, lip balm, chocolate and beer buy Acai contains.

CFIA products are available in all stores as important as nutrition and health Sephora GNC available. But not alone. Acai products are in almost every corner store also available.

Acai Science

The power of acai is its antioxidants. Understand the importance of antioxidants you need to know a few things, free radicals.

Free radicals are atoms or molecules, the odd electron shell. Most free radicals are highly reactive and cause damage to biological cells in a process called oxidation, a process that is oxidized in the iron combined with oxygen.

Antioxidants Tape odd electron shells of free radicals and thus reduce the negative effects on the cells. In short, antioxidants slow down the degradation of the human body.

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has been tested about 300 different types of fruit, vegetables and nuts, in order to determine their levels of antioxidants. Acai Berry is one of the many fruits tested.

Antioxidant content of fruit, vegetables or nuts, the amount of ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) scale. USDA studies are six strong antioxidant fruit ratio passion fruit, dragon fruit, mangosteen, pomegranate and acai berries. Acai Berry exposed to the highest ORAC score of all fruits, vegetables and nuts, which were tested.

As already mentioned, the Acai berry red mentioned 24-36 hours of collection. Naturally, this means that the acai berry is held so that they are split in different parts of the world where the demand is there.

Acai Berry proper maintenance is essential to maintain a high level of antioxidant nutrients and when it reaches the consumer.

The study found that the only way to keep the USDA acai berry freeze well if the bay is frozen in a vacuum. Acai Berry is freeze dried to obtain the original content of nutrients and antioxidants.

Another storage method is called dry spray. During this process heats the grain to dry and then the juice of fruits or other products will be produced. Problem of spray drying, which kills 90% of antioxidants, nutrients and process.  So, if what you need. But again, I eat a lot of questions to maximize the benefits.

Recently, an important part of maintaining the original content of antioxidants for container traffic.

Many manufacturers juice, Acai Juice, Plastic packaging the juice, nutrients and antioxidants filter. In addition, if there is clear plastic, too much light, and breaks in antioxidants and nutrients in the juice.

The best way is to post the Acai Berry Juice packaged in sealed brown glass. Leach Glass no nutrients and antioxidants from fruit juice, brown glass, and take the light.

What is a sentence?

Acai Berry is therefore all that is good as it seems?

If the freeze-dried Acai Berry Juice is not filtered, and the juice is sent to a brown glass bottle, the answer is yes!

Another way to store and send sinuses CFIA will deteriorate to such an extent that it is not really useful when it comes to maintaining healthy without eating mega amounts.

insufficient scientific information to conclude that the acai berry has the highest content of antioxidants from fruits and vegetables. In addition, there are enough people who are long-term health acai.

The data show that, yes, Acai Berry, the amount of hype, preservation and packing enough .

Weight Loss Metabolism – Could Phytonutrients Switch On Your Fat Burning Genes?

The objective of the biggest diet to lose weight quickly and easily, and to achieve this goal, we must ensure that health, weight loss, metabolism, and good energy from burning as quickly as possible.

But it really means “turning” of genes to burn fat? Nutrients may be necessary to speed up the metabolism, weight loss? Nutrients and if it really a new secret for burning fat, which are, as you are and why they are so successful?

Few people realize the importance of diet in carbohydrates, and many people think that pasta, bread, potatoes, where almost everything.

How bad is it!

What food protein or fat falls into the category of carbohydrates. Definition, such as vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts and peeled gross. In addition, a large group of carbohydrates, nutrients and carbohydrates are divided contain processed or refined.

You do not need a genius to imagine that the sub-unit of the “good” carbs and carbs in the “other” bad. In fact, all nutrients in processed carbohydrates in the process of refining robbed and no longer part as an “empty” calories.

What exactly have nutrients?

Plant protection product is so nourishing nutrients from carbohydrates of plants that the gold for everyone who get more weight loss, weight loss will want to come and metabolism. We offer not only the power of carbohydrates, but in reality it is a “turn” and the genes that are responsible for burning fat.

And good things do not end – the nutrients are also responsible for the support less life.

Strong antioxidant properties and the effectiveness of antioxidant nutrients may help the inflammation and damage, which occurs precisely at the cellular level to improve. Obviously a long-term effects on health is overwhelming.

It is easy to understand why it is important to supplement the diet, plant-based carbohydrates and found to avoid the empty, white, refined carbohydrates in pasta, flour and bread at any price.

Fortunately, the carbohydrates contained nutrients freely and easily accessible if you identify how and happy that you still know only one golden rule:

Only eat carbohydrates in the diet, raw vegetables.

It really is not that of foods containing high levels of nutrients, foods are also low glycemic load – which means that require products, the time to fully absorb that already the hunger to make their rates of blood sugar and insulin in relation settle on the injury “spikes”.

Very useful to the recruitment of more fruits and vegetables rich in nutrients that a color is, the higher the nutrients, beautiful plants, antioxidants, fat-burning will be used again.

Therefore, it seems that the real key to changing nutrients its genes in order to burn fat and a positive approach to a metabolic weight loss. Except that you lose weight faster, but their anti-aging products is still trying to feel young and healthy far into the future.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Does Green Tea Lower Blood Sugar? Know the Full Facts

Our energy metabolism, changes in sugar and carbohydrates for energy, then our cells. Do you have caused questions to the extent that the increased metabolism of glucose in the blood diabetes. Green tea lower blood sugar? The answer is partly correct. Many features will not only facilitate investment, and thus indirectly affect the metabolism, it is only half the truth. Tell us all the facts.

There are only two reasons why high blood sugar. Or react too little insulin or the cells of our bodies not to insulin. Green tea can not determine the right of the two. This is half true.

Now we see even half the story. Insulin is a protein. All cells are the building blocks of living organisms. More than 100 billion cells that we are, what we are. If you think that green tea can solve diabetes, insulin and the complexity of the cell, we regret to say that we live in blissful ignorance. ”

You can choose any disease and look for financing. There is only one answer. It is the food. Particularly rich in antioxidant nutrients are the panacea. Now I can say, half-truths. Green tea is a good antioxidant. You must answer the question – Green tea lowers blood sugar levels?

antioxidant diet is important to clean up our immune system. Good quality blood to supply the immune system nutrients that we take. Quality Assurance strong heart and blood vessels. This ensures that the blood oxygen and nutrients leads, one hundred trillion cells. Cells of the pancreas to produce insulin is a very healthy diet, they will receive. Cells are sensitive to the transforming effects of insulin to produce sugar into energy. regulates blood sugar levels as required, such as autopilot.

Green tea contains many antioxidants in the form of catechin polyphenols. Fines substance called epigallocatechin Gallatin (EGCG), catechin is considered an important antioxidant. Almost 25% in the dry leaves of Camellia sinensis plant is the form of catechins. About 40% to 50% of the catechins is EGCG. This applies to parts of questions – Green tea lowers blood sugar?

It is a hidden track, which is publicly available. Caffeine is not good for diabetics. Unfortunately, the green tea caffeine is. How to get around this? Take a green tea powder or tablets, capsules or tablets catechins, standardized extract over 98% polyphenols. Perhaps caffeine can be avoided. Best suited to your doctor before you consult this supplement if you suffer from diabetes.

, I have to vote on the offer. As I said, a good immune system could solve the Diabetes. Take the balance sheet. This natural supplement is a lower dose of EGCG from green tea, in addition to the various diets. Get the synergies of this approach. This is the answer to the question – Green tea lowers blood sugar levels? I use this supplement is the ideal place for a few years and want to live healthy. Feel free to visit my site and I’m sure you know the latest information on nutrition .

Green Tea Bath

Green tea may be beneficial in two ways.

The first chemically

Two. emotional

Historically, a chemical concoction of tea and got to drink tea. Emotional benefits to stop the practice of the time and enjoy the smell and visual reward to explain how the tea leaves and beer, of course, the ultimate pleasure of drinking tea. Did you know that there are many advantages that her bath tea?

Green tea contains antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and antibacterial properties. Currently, the main anti-oxidant green tea, EGCG (epigallocatechin-epigallocatechin3) 100 times more effective than vitamin C and 25 times more effective than vitamin E was tea contains tannins.

Why bathe in green tea?

The skin is the largest organ in the human body. Their average adult male skin surface from 1.5 to 2.0 m (16.1 to 21.5 square feet), most are between 2-3 mm (0.10 inches) thick.

One of the main tasks of the skin is a barrier immuunipuolutustukseen the body, the substances that cause disease and harmful elements from the external environment, such as causing UV rays of the sun to create. Protect your skin with the major muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments and internal organs and protects the body lose too much water. Serious skin damage is repaired scars.

Absorption through the skin is a process in which substances can enter the body through the skin.

Bath and green tea is very easy to do. First, six bags of organic green tea put into hot water for ten or twenty minutes. You can also add a quarter cup of olive oil, half bath. Contains antioxidants olive oil and soften and calm the skin, if you have a tendency to very dry skin. Relax in a bath of health, at least thirty minutes.

Studies suggest that green tea can prevent skin cancer, because its protective properties. Tannins in tea, not only to treat burns and bleeding to stop but also to avoid infection, and the wound to heal internally. The ability of tannins is given a protective layer of the material remains at higher risk of wound infection. Natural antiseptic properties, including tea and itching and swelling, cuts, scratches, bites, hemorrhoids, fissures and faults anus acne rash. Of course, when it comes to health. Always consult your doctor to ensure that the bath is recommended.

Footbath As an alternative to bath teas, when the working day, especially if you stand all day with green tea. Helen Foster recipe Beauty

Why is Honey So Effective As a Cough Suppressant?

One of the favorite flavors of honey in cough drops. It is not surprising, since the removal of honey cough power are very impressive.

While it will not medically necessary to suppress the cough cough, a moment of liberation you will. to sleep, for example, if the cough is not allowed or have a difficult social environment. There is no effective treatment for cough cough due to respiratory infections such as cold. Although dextromethorphan (perhaps as “DXM” or “DM”), which are commonly used in cough medicine, to counter, there is evidence that it works and can cause side effects. Very old gold. Honey may reduce cough and dextromethorphan.


Sticky Sweet, syrup, honey soothes the mucous membranes and remove the irritation causing the cough reflex. Honey has more power than damper characteristics. This is similar to the control of cough, such as anti-cough and cough lozenges and candies seem to work right away. In fact, it is soothing and cucumber, or a drug that causes an immediate discharge.


Historically, honey has been used to treat wounds and insect bites. Nectar the bees add an enzyme to produce hydrogen peroxide, which acts as an antibiotic. Antibacterial Properties of honey help to improve the cough.


high antioxidant content of honey can also be relevant to its effectiveness. darker honey has a tendency to become more efficient with respect to the easy part, because they contain more antioxidants.

How to use too much honey

Usually, you want to have the same number of doses of honey as a remedy against coughing. Therefore, it is very easy to remember. These amounts are as follows: 1 / 2 teaspoon 2-5 years, 1 teaspoon of 6 -11 years, 2 teaspoons of 12 years or more.

The pros and cons

Honey is much cheaper than buying a treatment for cough. No side effects such as dizziness or drowsiness. The main disadvantage is that honey should not be less than 2 years. Botulism spores in honey, food poisoning to young children on the case .

For more at-home remedies for you cough come visit The Cough Treatments Guide.

The Benefits of Healthy Coffee

Debate that continues to cook for the last year’s key ideas: healthy coffee a myth or reality? Many scientists believe that the benefits of drinking a cup of coffee is much greater than the alleged harmful effects of alcohol. There is so much information on the advantages and disadvantages of the many coffee consumers are confused. Coffee is the drink of the health or harm the body and are best avoided? We try to answer this question.

What is a healthy coffee?

First, determine what a healthy coffee. eight grams per cup of black coffee without standard added to the bleaching, flavoring, or sugar. The raw material consumed without additives, coffee, blood sugar low fat, low-calorie drinks. And “if consumers begin to add things like cream, drink milk and chocolate syrup from poor health taste. Coffee drinking in a bar can be sold calories pound cheeseburger? Director of a fast-food chain restaurants.

What are the benefits health benefits of caffeine?

Recent studies show that coffee’s health can provide many health benefits for the consumer. Antioxidant properties of coffee are very popular and will help the cancer risk in some people. These antioxidants also known as anti-inflammatory and protects the body from injury. Caffeine is also found in healthy in order to facilitate and speed, reduces waste in the intestines, constipation and hemorrhoids.

It also finds that caffeine reduces diabetes, healthy people. Studies have shown that people who are more than three cups of coffee a day reduces the risk of developing diabetes by 20% drank. If the vessel is filled with decaffeinated coffee, accounting for 30-40 percent. Research is still trying to figure out why the relationship between coffee and diabetes, health, and scientists are trying to find ways to apply these results in everyday life.

Despite the fact that caffeine is not healthy in the same category, fruit juices and healthy drinking water are sure better than previously thought. Coffee is not a substitute fruits, vegetables, and grains, which are so important in our daily diet, but it can be a nice addition. Antioxidant properties of caffeine can be healthy, stay healthy .

SOD – Cuss Word, Green Grass, Or Anti-Aging Wonder?

One British friends would say, “You weed! And” Sod this, “so naturally, when I came across the acronym SOD Nutrition me the book that he described the English word wrong.

Village, the word “grass” green. The people here grow grass, which sell to a builder for new lawns.

But my favorite definition of “range” of superoxide by SOD. Not grass, not a dirty word is an important antioxidant SOD in the body. In fact, almost no one to live well, at least not without SOD.

So what the hell is SOD’s case?

SOD is an antioxidant, which means police units, and cleaning equipment. SOD around the body and neutralizes free radicals, antioxidants, particularly superoxide harmful free radicals and others. So far, it sounds good but a bit boring.

SOD What can we do?

In addition, full control of free radicals in the body, SOD has many other important tasks, such as:
Maintenance of cell membranes and soft tissue
Maintaining healthy gums and prevent gingivitis, especially in smokers
protect DNA against free radicals, superoxide

SOD is one of the first-line defenders of our body against free radicals and protect the lower body from free radicals at all levels of body cell.

Where we have SOD?

All organisms contain SOD and the production, some more than others. Actually there are three SOD, which is associated with copper, zinc and manganese. If a patient suffers from deficiencies in one of the minerals that our body can not produce SOD.

Although the grass!

Fortunately, we can get SOD activities of the food we eat. Foods high in SOD are as follows:

  • Wheat germ concentrate
  • AFA blue-green algae

You can also increase the consumption of copper and zinc in the diet, such as:

  • Crimini Mushrooms
  • Cabbage, spinach, beetroot
  • Asparagus

To increase the participation of manganese, try these foods:

  • Oats and brown rice
  • Fruits such as strawberries and raspberries
  • green beans
  • Cabbage, spinach, beetroot and

Humans and animals have, I found that supplementation with wheat germ convenient all-in-one, which a lot of shopping and cooking is required. Wheat is also compatible with many joints and healthy instincts of its antioxidant properties. Fun.

Healthy Dark Chocolate – Myth Or Miracle?

I do not really assets and loss of health benefits of pure dark chocolate former lost? Most people laugh, either in joy or in disbelief when she heard of chocolate, health, but has quickly grown the most skeptical of the evidence from all sources for the research compiled in the world.

If the test is not enough to win a skeptic, testimonials from customers certainly a breakthrough.

Studies have shown that some of the benefits of healthy chocolate (pure chocolate) may include:
Improved nutrition – food and raw chocolate is a high degree of purity of a substitute for other confectionery (including white chocolate and milk)

Plenty of fiber – Welcome to the chocolate contains fiber that the body and helps the digestive system, the use of nutrients

Lower bad cholesterol – Studies have also shown that dark chocolate decreases by an average of 13% of the amount of LDL (bad cholesterol)

Weight loss – a recent study by Japanese scientists discovered that cocoa appetite reduction, and the mood of the production of energy away from chemicals, which is for weight loss

Antioxidant free radical cleansing, healthy chocolate (cocoa) has an impressive ORAC and contains 25 times more antioxidants from grapes

lowers blood pressure and heart health – a recent study, participants received extra points lower systolic blood pressure (above). Dark chocolate improved the health of study participants relaxed through the vessel and arteries open

Improving the improvement of insulin levels – Measurement of sensitivity (predisposition to diabetes) and patients’

Increase the supply of essential trace elements – A high intake of magnesium is reported to lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke, diabetes and osteoporosis,

Relieve inflammation – Healthy chocolate is rich in antioxidants, inflammation, and radiation protection. More and more studies show that chronic inflammation is strongly to other conditions, cancer and cardiovascular diseases, dementia and diabetes

Cleaner – cocoa is cleaned been used for centuries in folk medicine for basic foods and detoxify your body

Improving mental health – Studies show that cocoa may help to improve the protection of the brain and cognitive abilities

Omega-3 – Studies show that can improve essential fatty acids, fatty acids such as omega-3 fatty acids, brain function, anti-inflammatory protection will reduce cardiovascular disease and promote immune function

Sense of prosperity – for certain chemicals found in cocoa to create happiness and prosperity. Some studies show that eating healthy is Chocolate dopamine and serotonin in the brain activity to increase

The proof is, and there is increasing evidence supports the benefits of healthy eating .