Thursday, March 29, 2018

Despite Having Antioxidants, Chocolates Are Not Among the Best Fat Burning Foods

Dark chocolate is in vogue these days, because the media have exaggerated their antioxidant properties, and did all kinds of chocolate-vending machines in the car. In reality, however, the chocolate is sweet, and if you want to burn fat, help him, you have to look elsewhere to find the best food for burning fat.

The truth of antioxidants

Antioxidants are substances that prevent oxidation, a process that produces electricity charged atoms called free radicals. They are harmful to cells and tissues in relation to smoking, sunbathing and other practices known to cause tissue damage.

In addition to reducing cell damage by free radicals, antioxidants thought to prevent heart disease, stroke and cancer. Of course there are health benefits associated, but some countries may be misleading.

He said that people who eat lots of fruits and vegetables, such as the Mediterranean diet is less heart disease. a diet high in antioxidants, supports the theory that antioxidants are the power. This theory has, the development of additives that were tested resulted, but in many cases the results were less convincing.

Dark chocolate is gaining popularity in the reports of antioxidants

A German study has been published since 2003, says the results show that regular consumption of moderate amounts of dark chocolate lowers blood pressure. (The study also shows that milk chocolate, white chocolate or milk in the same benefits.)

Researchers also said that the party should be considered in order to obtain the benefits of antioxidants, can eat small quantities. In addition, you can buy it somewhere else calorie diet.

We do not advocate calorie counting is the idea that you should not add sugar to the food intake of our efforts to improve their health to treat. Does not work. In addition chocolate from a healthy diet is separated. Eating a small amount from time to time, not to sabotage their health or their weight loss goals.

Chocolate is not the only source of antioxidants

In recent years the existence of dark chocolate shops has increased. It also promotes the bar very high concentration of cocoa powder are also chocolates as “dark chocolate”. Magazines continued support by promoting the madness “chocolate heart healthy recipes.

Some supplements on the market provides anti-oxidants, but the research has effective way to get antioxidants in the diet proved. There is evidence that supplementation may be dangerous under certain circumstances, such as surveys show the growth of lung cancer.

Many fruits and vegetables are good sources, especially berries. Has not received much attention, but the nuts, seeds, beans and brown rice and antioxidants. Stick to the nature and antioxidants, easy and secure.

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