Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Do Antioxidants Work? Discover What Antioxidants Research Has Uncovered About Wrinkle Prevention

Do antioxidants work or is using a skin care product containing them a waste of time and money? Read this article and find out what antioxidants research has revealed about it’s wrinkle prevention effectiveness so you can know for sure if it’s worth using a skin care product to protect your skin from aging.

Do Antioxidants Work? What Antioxidants Research Has to Say About It

You may have known this already, but your skin cells actually produce their own antioxidants to protect your skin from free radical molecules and other sources of oxidative stress. But as we get older, your skin cells are not able to produce as much of these antioxidants on a regular basis. And if left unchecked, premature aging is bound to occur.

But do antioxidants work if they are an ingredient in skin care products? The answer to this question depends on the actual size of the antioxidant molecules used in the product. Like many other important elements of the skin (like collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid), many antioxidant molecules are too large to even be absorbed by the skin while others only penetrate down one or two layers. Antioxidants of this size can only benefit and protect the skin to a certain degree.

What you really want in an anti-aging product is antioxidants that can penetrate down 5-7 layers deep. This is where most free radical damage takes place since not many antioxidants get down that far. Thankfully, there is technology available today that can make antioxidant molecules this small.

One thing that will increase the protection of your skin from premature aging is using a skin care product that contains the same antioxidants that your body produces. CoenzymeQ10 is a great example, which is one of the most potent natural antioxidants produced by your skin cells but also the one that’s depleted the quickest.

So make no mistake about it: ANTIOXIDANTS DO WORK! And as you get older, it’s smart to use skin care products that contain ones that are molecularly small enough to penetrate deep down into the skin.

You can learn much more about CoenzymeQ10 and even find out which anti-aging products contain the ‘nano’ form of this great antioxidant by visiting my website listed below.

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