Wednesday, April 18, 2018

History of Cocoa – The Benefits of Cocopure

The old world, there is only one chocolate in its purest form, and a well-known medicinal properties. For many centuries served as pure cocoa, and all its trusted productive use cases, such as fever, pain in the heart of weight loss, fatigue, kidney, intestine. has seen there is no historical evidence for us of the Maya and Aztecs, the use of cocoa for medicinal purposes for over 2000 years.

He recently launched the reputation of cocoa in healthy thanks to increased emulsion of fat, sugar, milk, flavors or preservatives, and in the processing of cocoa in the world. But it was not true cocoa, the old time.

Roadmap old cocoa

Cocoa harvest comes in 1500 BC, when it is believed that the Olmec Indians cocoa beans grown in the national collections. Around 250 BC, was high and 900 AD, the consumption of cocoa, but only one of the elite of Mayan society. It was a beautiful person, even a day! If the migration of the Maya in South America, in the north, who have given their cocoa beans. Drinking was a big success with the Indians, decided the Aztec upper classes and take them through the taxation of wheat. Aztecs were to call the first “xocalatl that” a warm, bitter liquid.

Famous researchers found Hernandez Colon and cocoa beans during the trip. Noble, Prince Felipe of Spain defeated Maya cocoa tins and drink pre-mixed ready to use. However, neither Spain nor Portugal share this gift of the rest of Europe a hundred years later. 16th Century, the Spaniards began to add sugar cane juice, and vanilla flavor to a sweet drink made from cocoa, to be made attractive for the palate.

Cocoa has begun to gain wide popularity of sexual beverage and pharmaceutical value. Cocoa store in London, founded in 1657th During this time, also had hot chocolate to drink only the elite in society. Until 1730, when the price for cocoa fell, which was located available for ordinary people.

In 1765, the chocolate the new “colonial” name of the Irishman John Hanan was brought. Beans were in the Caribbean in Dorchester, Massachusetts, where he built his chocolate factory for the first time introduced in 1780. Chocolate is reminiscent of Dr. James Baker, who participated in the development of chocolate flavor of what we know today named. They were known as the Baker chocolate.

In 1819, Francois-Louis Callier, opened the first chocolate factory in Switzerland. In 1828, Conrad Van Houten developed a process in Amsterdam and soft composition of chocolate, cocoa butter, and press the addition of alkaline salts. Twenty years later Joseph Fry & Son has a process by which this is a bit “developed for cocoa butter, added sugar and has to process a smooth dough, the first chocolate can be formed. In 1861 created Richard Cadbury, the first chocolate boxy shape an irrevocable link Valentines Valentine’s chocolates and Case. Then Chocolate Manufacturers have improved texture, taste and variety of chocolate, chocolate-lovers around the world. Back to the historic Cocoa

By 1998, that the cocoa research showed that cocoa would be a historic day, a very useful effect .Chocolate lovers is a pleasure to know that instead of discouraging people from eating chocolate, eating chocolate, doctors and researchers to promote selective antioxidant power and its benefits for heart health! Chocolate, but not all are of equal value to their health properties. From the choice at the moment, chocolate, chocolate in its purest form is the best solution. The best choice would be to use pure cocoa beverages, cocoa. Another option is black, bitter chocolate. Milk chocolate contains the highest antioxidant capacity of black, bitter chocolate.


CocoPure is one of the best blends of pure cocoa powder, together with the two richest in antioxidants and nutrients, green tea extract resveratrol. These three ingredients is a refreshing drink, hot and cold. The study of these three nutrients are in journals of the Journal of American Medical Association, published the American Journal of Physiology, Physiology of the heart and circulatory system. It is known that all three nutrients to support on cardiovascular health, increased blood flow, arterial health, high energy level, digestion and immune system.

Now, after centuries, science finally caught up, pure cocoa. Combination of pure cocoa, green tea, resveratrol, and is now in a delicious beverage that offers health and enhance the cocoa again! Only 30 calories per serving, is CocoPure an ideal drink for those who have a diet .

New Vitality is a health supplements company. It develops cocoa tea products which are carefully formulated under the guidance of an elite panel comprised of renowned doctors, nutritionists, chemists and researchers. Whether you want chocolate tea, pet health supplement, a personal care product or a health care product, New Vitality is a one-stop shop for all needs.

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